Microalgae Process Design: from cells to photobioreactors
This course provides the essential skills for designing optimal microalgae-based production processes, for both research and commercial purposes.
Microalgae and cyanobacteria have the potential to produce a variety of products using light as the only source of energy to fuel metabolism. Among these products are polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments and therapeutic proteins. In addition to these high-value products, microalgae are regarded as one of the most promising resources for the production of bulk products such as food and feed lipids, food and feed proteins, base chemicals and energy sources for the industry, and on a longer term biofuels. To make economical large-scale production of such bulk products possible, the cost price for production needs to be reduced, the scale of production needs to be increased substantially and the biomass value should be maximized.
In this course “Microalgae Process Design: from cells to photobioreactors” the biology and cultivation part are covered. In a second course Microalgae Biorefinery (15-18 July, Wageningen), the next process step, i.e. the biorefinery, will be in focus. The two courses together will cover the entire microalgae process chain. When taking both courses we can offer a reduction in total course fee.
Target group
The course is aimed at PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and professionals both academy and industry, that would like to acquire a thorough understanding of microalgal metabolism and photobioreactor design and operation. An MSc level in bioprocess technology, or alike, is recommended.
Course aim
This course provides the essential skills for designing optimal microalgae-based production processes, for both research and commercial purposes.
Course design
Through lectures, digital cases and a photobioreactor practical, the participants will learn:
- to quantify light-limited growth in photobioreactors,
- to define approaches for strain selection and improvement,
- to apply basic design principles and set up mass/energy balances for photobioreactors,
- to cultivate microalgae in fully controlled photobioreactors,
- to integrate the acquired knowledge into optimal production strategies for microalgae biomass or secondary metabolites,
- to scale it up and evaluate the impact of process parameters on production costs.
Lecturers and Organisation
Course coordinator
- Dr Maria Barbosa, Bioprocess Engineering - AlgaePARC, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Other faculty
- Prof. Matthew Posewitz, Department of Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, US
- Prof. René Wijffels, Bioprocess Engineering - AlgaePARC, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
- Dr Marcel Janssen, Bioprocess Engineering - AlgaePARC, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
- Dr Arjen Rinzema, Bioprocess Engineering - AlgaePARC, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
- Dr Sarah D'Adamo, Bioprocess Engineering - AlgaePARC, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Date & duration
The course will be held from 5 - 12 July 2019, 8 days.
Study load
The study load of this course is 2.3 ECTS credits.
The course language will be English.
Contact information
Information concerning the course contents can be obtained from Dr Maria Barbosa, phone: +31 317 480079 and Dr Marcel Janssen, phone: +31 317 484708
For organisational matters please contact:
Mrs. Eva Oudshoorn
Location & accommodation
Lectures and practicals will be given at:
Wageningen University & Research
Forum building
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
The town of Wageningen is 5 km from Ede-Wageningen railway station, with transport options being taxi or bus. This railway station can be reached by train from the airport Schiphol in about one hour. For train schedules visit:
The organization has blocked a number of hotel rooms at Wageningen International Hotel and Congress Centre (WICC) for course participants, but only until 24 May 2019. Single room 69 euro per night including breakfast, excluding taxes. Transport to Wageningen Campus by bus (public transport) or bike (to be rent at the hotel). Participants have to book their own room. Please book your room before 24 May 2019 and mention bonus code MPD19:
Another option is to book a Bed & breakfast:
Registration & course fee
To register please complete the electronic reply form
The final registration date is 24 May 2019.
Course fee includes printed materials, coffee/tea during breaks, lunches, and two dinners, and but does not cover accommodation. The course fee depends on the participant's affiliation.
VLAG/WUR PhD candidates | € 450 |
All other PhD candidates and VLAG postdocs & staff | € 750 |
University Staff / Non-Profit organisations | € 1300 |
Industry / For-Profit | € 2850 |
We can offer a discount in total course fee when taking the consecutive course on Microalgae Biorefinery from 15-18 July 2019.
Please contact Eva Oudshoorn ( for more information.
Cancellations policy
- No charge until 5 June 2019
- 25% of the course fee paid or due till 28 June 2019
- No refund after 28 June 2019
Substitutions for participants may be made at any time until the start of the course.