Ordering books for WUR? There is a new mandatory supplier from January 2025
Starting 1 January 2025, all WUR organisational units must order books and ebooks exclusively from the Erasmus Bookstore Amsterdam. This applies to central book acquisitions by the Library and individual department orders. The new procurement contract stems from a mandatory European tender.
What's changing?
For orderers in ProQMe
From 1 January 2025, Erasmus Bookstore Amsterdam has been contracted as the new, mandatory supplier for Wageningen University & Research for all book and ebook orders. This means that from this date, you can only order books and ebooks for your department from this supplier. Orders from other book suppliers such as Bol or Amazon will no longer be honoured by the financial controllers.
As of January, a new workflow will be available via the online catalogue of Erasmus Bookstore and ProQMe. We will inform you about the new working method in the autumn of 2024.
For WUR employees
We recommend that you request any books that you need for your research or teaching through the Library. Your request will be assessed for relevance to WUR and costs. The books will be added to the collection and will be available to the entire WUR community after your initial borrowing period. You can use the Request a purchase form to ask the Library to buy a book. We may not be able to accommodate every request.
If you want to buy books for your work or for your department, you can search the online catalogue of the Erasmus Bookstore from 1 January and submit your choice to your department's purchaser. The costs will be paid by your department and the book will not be included in the Library’s collection.
For students
Nothing will change for students. The new mandatory book supplier does not apply to students. So, as is the case now, you can decide for yourself where you buy your books.
You can use the Request a purchase form to ask the Library to buy a book. Your request will be assessed for relevance to WUR and costs.
Because the total amount spent on books within WUR by the Library and by the departments is higher than the threshold amount for European tendering, the Purchasing department in collaboration with WUR Library started a tendering process in spring 2024. The contract was awarded to Erasmus Bookstore Amsterdam. From 1 January 2025, both the Library and the decentralised purchasers have to purchase their books from this bookstore. By working with a single supplier and getting an organisation discount, we expect to save costs.
In November, we'll tell you more about the new working method via intranet and the Library Newsletter. If you have any questions about the tender or the new way of working, please contact the Library's Collections team.