Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen retires
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen retires as chair of the ‘Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer’ group. In the subsequent years the group is divided into several other subgroups:
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Fertility and Fertilization Studies) led by Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Plantenvoeding’ (Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition) led by Prof. dr. GR (Günter) Findenegg
‘Bodemhygiëne en -verontreiniging’ (Soil Hygiene and Pollution) led by Prof. FAM (Frans) de Haan
‘Algemene Bodemkunde’ (General Soil Science) led by Prof. dr. ir. GH (Jerry) Bolt
‘Grond- en Gewasanalyse’ (Soil and Plant Analysis; this group is the predecessor of WEPAL)