WURkForce - Virtual Open Day 12 december 2024

  1. ly)Your data

ly)Your data

Conditions for doing a job/activity for WURkForce are: 
- You are a NL or EU (BSc or MSc) student (exceptions for international, non-EU, students are sometimes possible) 
- You must have a BSN (Burger Service Nummer) 
- You must have a NL or EU bank account 
- You must have a NL or EU health insurance policy 
- You can only perform jobs through WURkForce if you do not have a current contract (student assistant or otherwise) with the WUR during the performance of the job/activity. 
- You may receive a maximum of € 2.000,00 per year in allowances. This applies to all jobs for which you receive compensation from WUR. Income from a previous contract (salary) does not count towards this amount. - You must submit your allowance via the WURkForce declaration system within two weeks of the end of the job/activity, unless a different arrangement has been made with WURkForce. A reimbursement is not a salary. You are responsible for submitting your allowance yourself. 
- If you are an international student, not being an EU student, deployment through WURkForce is only possible if you have a visa with a note that you are allowed to work in NL ("arbeid is toegestaan" legislation from Immigration Service). 
- If you do not meet the conditions of WURkForce afterwards, it is not possible to pay you a reimbursement

Read the <a href="https://www.wur.nl/en/privacy" target="_blank">privacy statement</a>