Chantal  Doeswijk

Chantal Doeswijk

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About VLAG

VLAG Graduate School was founded to provide a coherent PhD programme for young researchers and to bring together the expertise in its multidisciplinary domain. VLAG forms a community of research within the Biobased, Biomolecular, Chemical, Food and Nutrition Sciences.

PhD Candidates

Information shared on the VLAG website is primarily for enrolled VLAG PhD candidates. You can find information on the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP), Requirements, Research Proposal, Recommendations for authorship in scientific publications, the VLAG PhD council, PhD excursions, etc.

Newsletter VLAG

The VLAG NewsFLASH is a newsletter for PhD candidates, staff members and for those interested. Regular columns are: Word from the director, the VLAG course overview, news from the PhD council, news from Wageningen Graduate Schools, calls and grants and other announcements.