Training and supervision plan (TSP)
The Training and Supervision Plan is an instrument in which the contents of the educational programme, teaching duties and the supervision are formalised, providing statutory rights and obligations to the PhD candidate and the supervisor(s).
All PhD candidates are obliged to submit their TSP within 3 months following their appointment.
TSP contents
- A description of the educational programme of the PhD candidate.
This part of the document should be seen as a declaration of intent and should be formulated upon consultation with the thesis supervisor. Additional details: requirements. - A description of the teaching responsibilities of the PhD candidate.
Teaching activities consist of assistance during laboratory practicals and supervision of undergraduates. For additional details see VLAG TSP Content details below and
Compendium of WUR teaching rules, VLAG guidelines, best practices from VLAG community - An agreement concerning the supervision provided by thesis supervisor and co-supervisor(s).
Downloading & Submitting TSP
The TSP form, TSP content details and the file to keep track of your TSP activities can be downloaded below:
Within 3 months after the start of the PhD project, the signed TSP form has to be submitted in Hora Finita.
For questions about the TSP, please contact Yvonne Smolders or Cornelia van Bree-Evers
Periodical update TSP
The TSP, especially the educational programme part, should be discussed with the supervisors every year during the results and personal development meeting (R&O gesprek). Halfway your project we will ask you to send us an update of your TSP.
TSP & financial support
- Once the TSP has been approved, the PhD candidate is entitled to a “training and education backpack”, paid by the chair group, which can be used to pay for the activities listed in the TSP. The training budget is €3,500.
- For further financial assistance for the realisation of a TSP please visit the website of Wageningen University.
- VLAG has limited possibilities to financially support the participation of VLAG PhD candidates in external courses.
Additional TSP regulations
- Before admittance to the educational programme of VLAG PhD candidates must comply with regulations set by Wageningen University. This entails an academic training equivalent to MSc level. If required, an introductory qualification examination should be completed prior to being admitted to the PhD programme. This exam is not credited within the programme itself. Further on VLAG PhD candidates must work on a research project that is formally approved by VLAG.
- To guarantee a significant scientific level the TSP must be submitted through the supervisor and approved by VLAG.
- Supervisors are obliged to assist in completing the TSP and to stimulate PhD candidate participation in (VLAG) educational activities.
- The contents of the TSP should lie within the framework of two fixed provisions: the time spent by a PhD candidate on education is 15% of the appointment (i.e. 125 working days) and the maximum spent on teaching duties is 10% (i.e. 84 working days). PhD candidates with an employee contract at Wageningen University should be regarded as scientific staff members with research and education tasks. However, the main task of a PhD candidate is to carry out PhD research but (s)he may be asked to fulfil teaching activities, for example supervising MSc thesis students, lecturing, and assisting in practical classes. These teaching activities should contribute to the development of the didactic skills of the PhD candidate.
- The TSP should be considered as an agreement on education and supervision between the PhD candidate and the university (Department / Graduate School). Both parties are expected to honour this agreement, both the rights and the obligations.
Recommendations for authorship in scientific publications
Within Wageningen University a set of recommendations exists that guide PhD candidates and supervisors in the selection of authors for scientific publications, these recommendations have been endorsed by the graduate schools.