VLAG general and statistics courses

General courses deal with various issues relevant for the professional and personal development of PhD candidates.

VLAG PhD week

The VLAG PhD week is a compulsory part of the VLAG education programme and it is specifically meant as an introductory course for freshman PhD candidates.

Philosophy and Ethics of Food Science and Technology

This series of six Thursday afternoon discussion sessions will include hands-on dealings with ethical, philosophical, and societal issues surrounding science. The course is organised annualy.
Organised by: VLAG in the context of WGS

VLAG Statistics courses

Introduction to R

This 2-day course is meant for people who have no experience with R and no specific knowledge is required. The course consists of demonstrations and computer practicals.

Applied Statistics

Prerequisite for the course Applied Statistics is the course Introduction to R, and Statistics 2 or an equivalent level of knowledge. Each day consists of lectures and practicals using R. The examples used in the lectures and practicals are based on data provided by researchers of VLAG.

Chemometrics (Multivariate Statistics)

Participants are expected to have knowledge of basic statistics, e.g. hypothesis testing, correlation and linear regression, and experience using R and RStudio. Each day consists of lectures in the morning and practicals using R in the afternoon.